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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Contoh Application Letter

Banyuwangi, 5th May 2011


PT. Sumber Daya Menamas
Jl. Basuki Rahmat 105-107 (side Gramedia Expo) Surabaya
Jawa Timur

Dear sir,

Upon my attention to the advertisement that you created, in internet site, 12th November 2012, you need to consider about my qualifications as follows:
1.  Fluent in 3 languages ​​ie English, Indonesian, and Java.
Experience working as a Computer’s operator in CyberNet.
3.  Experience working as a private teacher about 5 months.
Refers to ads that are listed, I would like to apply for the position of . I will attach my qualification and identity as follows:
Name            : Khusnul Khotimah
Age               : 17 years old
Citizen          : Indonesian
Address        : Ringinsari RT/RW 003/001 Kembiritan, Genteng,
Education     :
Graduation SMK Bustanul Falah in Kembiritan Genteng
That's my qualifications and identity for your company, I am waiting for your next information. As consideration, I will send the original data about other qualifications you need. Thank you

Your Sincerely

Khusnul Khotimah



  1. Name                           : Khusnul Khotimah
  2. Sex                              : Female
  3. Nationality                  : Indonesian
  4. Place / date of birth     : Banyuwangi / 26th February 1995
  5. Address                       : Ringinsari RT/RW 003/001 Kembiritan Genteng
  1. Religion                       : Islam
  2. Status                          : Single
  3. Name of child             : -
  4. Father’s Name             : Salam
  5. Mother’s Name           : Katirah
  6. Job                               : Farmer
  7. Address                       : Ringinsari RT/RW 003/001 Kembiritan Genteng
  1. School certificate        : a.       TK PGRI 1 Graduated 2001
              b.       SDN 04 Kembiritan Graduated 2007
              c.       SMPN 04 Genteng Graduated 2010
              d.       SMK Bustanul Falah Graduated 2013
  1. Course certificate        : a.       Mathematics
               b.       Computer
               c.       Sains
               d.       History
  1. Work Experience        :
a. Work experience in the company of PT. Maju Mundur Jl. Merpati Putih No. 15 Malang, as a Sales Engineer.
b. Work experience in the company of PT. Suara Tuhan Jl. Merak No. 12 Banyuwangi, as a Sales Engineer.
  1. Apply as                      : Creative Desaigner
  2. Request                       : Salary
  1. References                  : a. Fluent in 3 languages ie English, Mandarin, and
  b. Can operate the computer well

            This curriculum vitae making by true and I responsibility with this.

Banyuwangi, 5th May 2011

Khusnul Khotimah